The NEBOSH National General Certificate is split into 3 modules:
- NGC1 – Health and Safety Law and Management Systems
- GC2 – Management of Health and Safety in the Workplace
- GC3 – A practical assessment of your workplace safety management
Course Tuition and Private Study Hours:
- Unit NGC1: 36 hours tuition and 23 hours private study Total: 59 hours
- Unit GC2: 42 hours tuition and 26 hours private study Total: 68 hours
- Unit GC3: 2 hours tuition and 4 hours private study Total: 6 hours
A programme of study therefore needs to be based around a minimum of 80 taught hours and approximately 53 hours of private study for an overall total of 133 Hours.
Please click on the below for releated resources and documentation
General Certificate Syllabus Guide
Preparing Learners for the General Certificate Practical Assessment Guide
Please click here to see more information on the NEBOSH site
Recommended Reading
Introduction to Health and Safety at Work by Phil Hughes and Ed Ferret