A Conflict of Interest exists when the decision making or conduct of an individual or organisation could be seen to be affected by practices/interests al to their responsibilities to an awarding body and the delivery/assessment of its qualifications.
This policy contains guidance on how to identify and manage real and potential conflict of interest.
Identifying Conflict of Interest.
Examples of conflict of interest that could compromise the integrity of qualifications and assessments:
- Business or commercial interests that may affect professional judgment
- Personal relationships with family or friends that could influence decision making
- Gaining benefits (eg gifts, employment, hospitality etc) if a decision is made in favour of a particular individual of organisation
- Mutually beneficial arrangements which compromise an individual’s ability to make reliable and professional judgments
- Where favourable arrangements have been carried out, eg supplying information to individuals or groups who are preparing for or carrying out an assessment.
It is the duty of all employees of Advanced Safety Plus Ltd to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest. Any employee who believes they have a conflict or potential conflict of interest should consult their line manager or the quality assurance manager. All conflicts of interest must be recorded in writing and the disclosure should include :
- the type of potential conflict;
- the nature of the activity;
- a description of all parties involved;
- the potential financial interests and rewards; and
- any other information which the employee feels necessary to evaluate the disclosure.
Centre Actions Required in the Event of Conflict of Interest.
To ensure ongoing compliance with this policy, Advanced Safety Plus Ltd will
- Take steps to avoid or mitigate any existing or potential conflict of interest.
For example, where a conflict of interest involves a family member, examination assessment should be done by a non-family member
- A Conflict of Interest Form must be completed and sent to the Awarding Body as required, including details of the actions being taken to minimise the risk of any adverse effects.
- A record of all actual and potential conflicts of interest must be maintained for each Awarding Body.
- Bodies must be advised of any change of circumstances regarding previously declared conflicts of interest.
- Inspect activities and assessments where a conflict of interest cannot be avoided
This will involve the carrying out of supplementary quality assurance checks as necessary.
Examples of potential areas of conflict of interest:
- Personal or professional relationship between Trainers and Learners
- Personal relationship between Internal Quality Assurers and Trainers
- Centre staff undertaking mandatory regulated qualifications within their own centre
- Instances of reciprocal quality assurance between Internal Quality Assurers.
This policy will be reviewed on an ongoing basis as part of our continual quality assurance procedures, and revised in accordance with changes of legislation, actions from any allegations and in response to customer and Learner feedback.